
So soon~

A while ago , a new week started and not too long after , a week has ended.... so fast~ time sure flies in melbourne, it so contradicting at times, sometimes when i want time to slow down it speeds up even more. Sigh~

As days pass, we're closer to exam. Am already feeling the pressure slowly as it comes nearer.
However, even though days pass quickly, I would also think that "oh well, we're closer to holidays, we're closer to home, closer to familiarity once more".

Even though i'm not as homesick as i first came here, and i don't particularly feel bad and just want to go home but i dont' deny i miss familiarity, i miss familiar faces...

and not too long later, we'll be graduating and hunting for jobs and making decisions that would change our way of life permanently. Due to me, being particularly afraid of changes, I've decided if the course allows me to, i would take up another course and further my studies. :P

Another excuse to avoid the "cruel" society temporarily. I most probably would even stay in Australia if things goes according to plan. Even though, all these plans are set up as it is to be, i really would still like to just go home after i finish my studies. Going back to familiarity which i love.

So soon~~ time flies and all we could do is to just enjoy every single moment of it and appreciate what is going on even though sometimes you're being put through hard ship.

Random: I dont' know why but it makes me want to play the piano...

I should get my day started now.. lolz.. Blogging in the morning makes me feel that i really can just lose my line of thoughts easily..

Have a great day everybody!~

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