

Today i've done nothing productive at all. Last night i was so tired after studying and finally got home. After dinner, chatted online a while then wanted to go to bed. Then i realised, even though i'm dead tired and my brain is truly dead, i just CAN'T FALL ASLEEP...grrrr~~ already a torture to study for long hours and now to get a good night sleep and i can't. So i was ultimately bored and just lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. So i ended up sending out sms-es until i fell asleep waiting for replies. LOLZ..

Then today, woke up to a bad stomach and just plain feeling lethargic, didn't do much of a productive study. Instead i was all over the place either digging out old dramas from my harddisk and watch, you tubing or sleeping at odd hours. The only constructive work i did today was sitting put for 2 hours plus to study and only completed one chapter. I'm so dead for my upcoming exams.

I believe i'm stressed, but it doesnt' show on my work or even push me to study. I'm just feeling tired at the wrong times. Sigh. I am the most productive when i'm in uni sitting in a quiet classroom with Shu Yunn and Fang because when they study i would also automatically study. It's confusing because sometimes i could just sit at home and study productively. Even studying have fussy moods. GRRRR~~~

Tmr they've got exams and i'm in DESPERATE need of a studying partner. But i can't seem to think of anyone who's available to sit with me and study... DIE .. tomorrow how??? I have 3 papers next week and all i could think of is how much i've not studied instead of studying.

If I had a choice, I would select procrastinating as my new occupation. Goodness me, i'm so good at it that I know i'm giving myself excuses yet i'm still doing it. Procrastinate = Gyin = No.1

It's almost 1am here and i'm still blogging rather than studying.. DO YOU BELIEVE THIS....

Desperate now.. HELP!~

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