

Today was suppose to be an off day for me.. but i'm still sitting here in the library staring at the screen. I don't know what went wrong but i've overly spent time on the presentation. Either i've underestimated the work to be done or i've paid too much attention to the details. But what ever it is i've completed the work. Hopefully the presentation would be a success on Thursday.

No doubt i should be studying.. but ...lolz.. i still believe that i need a break after 2 hours of solid concentration. =) (excuses).

I realised that since i came to Melbourne, I would often get bored enough to take pictures of myself. I don't deny that i do enjoy it at times.. there are days that i do believe i take good pictures.. and the most of the time.. i look just bad in pictures.. lolz.. the disease of cam-whoring is here....
This picture.. taken by Fang while she was experimenting her new camera and i just had to pose something to disgust her..

There was one day when i was down, i wanted to find a picture to change in the msn display to express what i felt at that moment, i realised almost all of my pictures are filled with bright smiles, and the rest of them.. stupid faces like the one above. lolz.. i end up feeling more depressed..
( i really don' t know why i don' t have pictures that are slightly less smile-ly)....
Just plain being bored on the train, i could come up with funny pictures like this.. i sometimes wonder whether do i brighten someone's day by just smiling.. However i do believe that happiness is shown in a picture when you smile sincerely from the heart and if you are truely happy, others will feel it too by looking at you smile.SO... in conclusion.. smile everyday to make someone happy every single day =) it is the best cure to everything in the world..

I smile for you..

Love always

1 comment:

F5- Ah Fang said...

smile for when u r truly happy not for other.