
First pay...

from Tower Sushi this time .. my very very first pay, really through hard work and effort of fitting in. now things at work seem a little brighter and less stress as i've got the flow at work...slowly =)

the feeling is irreplaceable.. hahaha..though it's not much and most likely by today of going out for dinner i might just be finishing my pay for the week cuz i went snack shopping at safeway after my pay! lolz. what a way to reward myself, no wonder i can never seem to keep the weight off! lolz...

oh well.. knowing that now i'm more occupied with work gets a little worrying at times due to the peak of the semester approaching soon T.T exam timetables are out..everyone's busy with assgs.. and talking about assignments.. i'm still sitting here.. updating my blog rather than doing my assg ..lolz i better get going soon..

to everyone else that's also occupied with tonnes of assignments and tests...ALL THE BEST!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hehhehe i also got my really first pay on the 30th of April !! But i can't spend it T.T" coz half of them already go to mummy , then another half have to keep for saving for studies ~.~ !!! Lao po gan ba te!