
a little bad luck

today was overall a great day, met up with my cousins and aunties.. so happy to see them here in melbourne, it brings a great sense of home back to u and u just miss being around family..

in the evening, i felt something weird poking my finger.. like a wire.. T>T and when i took a look.. my ring broke T>T

the ring i've been wearing for so many years, hardly ever removing from my finger, older than i am.. broke .... GAH!~

sigh such a pretty little thing .. so wasted.. MUST get it fixed.. MUST MUST MUST!!!!

not only it's pretty, it has such significant meaning and story behind it ..=)

in short, if this knot-ring has not done its magic 24 years ago, i wouldn't be here today.. there would not be me.. hehehe

fix fix fix fix.. hopefully i would get it fixed and wear it again.. but sadly to say, it's going back to m'sia and dunno when is it coming back.. T>T

my knot !!!! now my finger feels so bare T>T

a little bad luck .. sigh~ and a little devastated too..

ok.. spot the ring.. T>T so sad! but a bit small hoh.. nvm.. lolz..still a PRETTTTYYY picture =)

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