
IT's time

Sorry guys that i've not been updating my blog, i've been up and around since i got back home. well today i decided to blog about something because it's so difficult to let it out to others face to face.

To whom it may concern,
I know we've been hurt so badly and we've suffered terrible loss, and no matter how much we try to mend the broken hearts and the loss it will never be the same again. However, we should not always bring this loss up to hurt ourselves, it will only bring us nothing else but pain, by letting go it's better for everyone else. Afterall, it's been 7 years, even though i may sound like i dont care or i have no feelings towards what happened but isn't holding on to such a pain bring us no further and the one who left us will also not be in peace?

we will always want to remember the one who left us but definitely for how much she's brought love to us, how she has thought us to be a better person and so much more but not how she suffered, and how she left. I guess she will never really leave us because she'll always be in our hearts.

i believe in karma, those who put pain upon us will have their share of pain in time to come...

IT's time... to let go

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gynie, it was unplanned. It was catharsis! The pain and grief of loss fused with the unabated anger for over 6 long years finally found its outlet when I came face to face with the perpetrator. It was face-off time. The tears were for ablution of the anger and helplessness. Gynie, you are right, we have to let go, it is time to let go. She had touched our lives beautifully, her memory lives on in our hearts. Thank you